By joining as a Member of the Great Yorkshire Chorus you are accepting the terms and conditions outlined below.

  1. These terms and conditions commence as soon as you have become a member of the Great Yorkshire Chorus.
  2. You agree to pay a membership fee of £42.00 per half term to the Great Yorkshire Chorus. Payment is due before or on the first rehearsal date of each half term. Failure to pay will result in your membership being cancelled and you will not be allowed to attend rehearsals, performances or social events.
  3. You agree to pay a one-off fee of £20.00 to cover the cost of your choir t-shirt in order to be allowed to participate in performances.
  4. Membership fees may increase from time to time in line with running costs. In this case, members will be notified of any changes in advance.
  5. By becoming a member of the Great Yorkshire Chorus, applicants are assumed to be medically fit to undertake the vocal and physical demands of the Great Yorkshire Chorus. If an individual has any doubts, these should be indicated to the Great Yorkshire Chorus prior to their application. You are responsible for your own health and wellbeing in this regard.
  6. You confirm that you are at least 18 years old.
  7. You have the right to cancel your membership within seven days of joining and a full refund will be given, by emailing After this period, no refunds will be given for the remainder of the membership period which has been purchased (half term).
  8. You cannot transfer your membership to anyone else.
  1. All arrangements of music, concepts and resources used in the Great Yorkshire Chorus are owned by the Great Yorkshire Chorus. When becoming a member of the Great Yorkshire Chorus no such material is to be used, amended, copied or replicated in any other event, community or at any venue. In such case, legal action may be taken.
  2. You will be able to access electronic resources of the Great Yorkshire Chorus, provided that membership fees are up to date.
  3. Forwarding such material to non-members of the Great Yorkshire Chorus is strictly prohibited and in such case, legal action may be taken.
Data protection and media
  1. You agree to have understood the Great Yorkshire Chorus’s privacy policy available to read on our website. The Great Yorkshire Chorus respects the information we hold on you and we take the security of your information very seriously.
  2. By becoming a member of the Great Yorkshire Chorus, you consent to receiving communications, including but not limited to email, relating to your membership from the Great Yorkshire Chorus.
  3. If you choose to unsubscribe to emails and communication from the Great Yorkshire Chorus, you take full responsibility to any losses incurred through information not known or shared.
  4. You agree to immediately inform the Great Yorkshire Chorus of any changes to your contact information, by emailing
  5. By becoming a member of the Great Yorkshire Chorus, you consent to photographs, sound and video recordings of you to be taken and shared publicly for the promotion, marketing and advertisement of the Great Yorkshire Chorus.
  6. Regarding social media, Great Yorkshire Chorus administrators reserve the right to remove any inappropriate remarks, comments, photographs and videos that may compromise its intellectual property and the feelings and privacy of its members.
Rehearsals and Events
  1. You agree to attend rehearsals regularly and practice your choir parts at home to enable an excellent musical standard to be maintained within the choir.
  2. You agree to aim to be punctual and in the event of being late, to enter discreetly and not to interrupt the rehearsal.
  3. The Great Yorkshire Chorus schedules a minimum of 36 rehearsals per year. We reserve the right to occasionally cancel rehearsals and events at short notice if essential, due to ill health of the Choir Director, adverse weather conditions or unforeseen circumstances. In this circumstance refunds for cancelled rehearsals will not be given.
  4. We reserve the right to occasionally change the rehearsal venue, if our regular venue is unavailable. In such case advance notice will be given. No refunds will be given in this instance.
  5. We reserve the right to occasionally replace a scheduled rehearsal with a performance event. No refunds will be given in this instance.
  6. You agree that when you indicate you are able to take part in a choir performance, you will endeavour to make every effort to honour that commitment except in case of illness or other extreme circumstance.
  7. You agree to adhere to the choir dress code for all performances, including, but not limited to, wearing an official Great Yorkshire Chorus t-shirt which will be provided to you upon payment.
  8. The Great Yorkshire Chorus is not responsible for damage to person or personal belongings whilst attending rehearsals and performances or before and after rehearsals and performances. The Great Yorkshire Chorus Members are responsible for their own property and well-being whilst attending all rehearsals and performances.
  9. You agree to follow the direction of the Choir Director during rehearsals and events.
  1. The Great Yorkshire Chorus aims to create a welcoming place for all its members. You agree to respect all members, the Choir Director, the rehearsal venue/staff, performance venue/staff and to conduct yourself appropriately during rehearsals, performances and Great Yorkshire Chorus social events. Any form of negative behaviour, towards choir members, the Choir Director, or members of the public may lead to that member being asked to leave the choir, at the sole discretion of the Great Yorkshire Chorus. No refund of membership will be given under these circumstances.
  2. Amendments may be made to these terms and conditions, in such case you will be notified.
  3. If you fail to comply with these terms and conditions it may result in termination to your membership without a refund.
Updated May 2024